Thursday, September 29, 2011

WCAP - Ideas

I TA a plant biology class and I always start my lab with something fun/cool/interesting about plants. I like to use things I can bring into class or involve their other senses (eg. walk across campus, youtube video, smelling the plant, or something to eat)

Here are some ideas I've come up with, if anyone else can think of something please comment!

1. Jeffery Pine (smells like vanilla and there's one by the JSB)
2. Sensitive Plant (they can touch and watch it close)
3. Chocolate (hey it's made from plants right . . . and they can taste it)
4. Venus Flytrap (unless I can find one to bring to class, I'll have to show a video)
5. Celery (they can eat it and burn calories!)

That's all I've got so far, help me think of other things.

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